On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 12:38 PM, alex <argri...@ncsu.edu> wrote:

> > years = [2004,2005,2006,2007]
> >
> > dates = [20040501,20050601,20060801,20071001]
> >
> > for x in years:
> >
> >      print 'year ',x
> >
> >      xy =  np.array([x*1.0e-4 for x in dates]).astype(np.int)
> >
> >      print 'year ',x

did you mean that to be "print 'year' xy" I then get:

year  2004
year  [2004 2005 2006 2007]
year  2005
year  [2004 2005 2006 2007]
year  2006
year  [2004 2005 2006 2007]
year  2007
year  [2004 2005 2006 2007]

or di you really want something like:

In [35]: %paste
years = [2004,2005,2006,2007]

dates = [20040501,20050601,20060801,20071001]

for x, d in zip(years, dates):
     print 'year ', x
     print 'date', d
     print int (d*1.0e-4)
     print 'just date:', d - x*1e4

## -- End pasted text --
year  2004
date 20040501
just date: 501.0
year  2005
date 20050601
just date: 601.0
year  2006
date 20060801
just date: 801.0
year  2007
date 20071001
just date: 1001.0

but using floating point for this is risky anyway, why not:

In [47]: d
Out[47]: 20071001

In [48]: d // 10000
Out[48]: 2007

i.e integer division.


> > ==
> >
> It seems like a misunderstanding of Python scoping, or just an
> oversight in your code, or I'm not understanding your question.  Would
> you expect the following code to print the same value twice in each
> iteration?
> for x in (1, 2, 3):
>     print x
>     dummy = [x*x for x in (4, 5, 6)]
>     print x
>     print
> > Or is this a recipe to blow up a power plant?
> Now we're on the lists...
> Cheers!
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