Announcing python-blosc 1.2.4

What is new?

This is a maintenance release, where included c-blosc sources have been
updated to 1.4.0.  This adds support for non-Intel architectures, most
specially those not supporting unaligned access.

For more info, you can have a look at the release notes in:


More docs and examples are available in the documentation site:


What is it?

Blosc (http://www.blosc.org) is a high performance compressor
optimized for binary data.  It has been designed to transmit data to
the processor cache faster than the traditional, non-compressed,
direct memory fetch approach via a memcpy() OS call.

Blosc is the first compressor that is meant not only to reduce the size
of large datasets on-disk or in-memory, but also to accelerate object
manipulations that are memory-bound
(http://www.blosc.org/docs/StarvingCPUs.pdf).  See
http://www.blosc.org/synthetic-benchmarks.html for some benchmarks on
how much speed it can achieve in some datasets.

Blosc works well for compressing numerical arrays that contains data
with relatively low entropy, like sparse data, time series, grids with
regular-spaced values, etc.

python-blosc (http://python-blosc.blosc.org/) is the Python wrapper for
the Blosc compression library.

There is also a handy command line and Python library for Blosc called
Bloscpack (https://github.com/Blosc/bloscpack) that allows you to
compress large binary datafiles on-disk.


python-blosc is in PyPI repository, so installing it is easy:

$ pip install -U blosc  # yes, you should omit the python- prefix

Download sources

The sources are managed through github services at:



There is Sphinx-based documentation site at:


Mailing list

There is an official mailing list for Blosc at:



Both Blosc and its Python wrapper are distributed using the MIT license.


for more details.


   **Enjoy data!**

Francesc Alted

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

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