
We are proud to announce v0.14.1 of pandas, a minor release from 0.14.0.

This release includes a small number of API changes, several new features,
enhancements, and performance improvements along with a large number of bug

This was 1.5 months of work with 244 commits by 45 authors encompassing 306

We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.


   - New method select_dtypes()
   to select columns based on the dtype
   - New method sem()
   to calculate the standard error of the mean.
   - Support for dateutil timezones (see *docs*
   - Support for ignoring full line comments in the read_csv()
   - New documentation section on *Options and Settings*
   - Lots of bug fixes

For a more a full description of Whatsnew for v0.14.1 here:

*What is it:*

*pandas* is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data
structures designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data both
easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block
doing practical, real world data analysis in Python. Additionally, it has
broader goal of becoming the most powerful and flexible open source data
analysis / manipulation tool available in any language.


Source tarballs, windows binaries are available on PyPI:

windows binaries are courtesy of  Christoph Gohlke and are built on Numpy
macosx wheels will be available soon, courtesy of Matthew Brett

Please report any issues here:


The Pandas Development Team

Contributors to the 0.14.1 release

   - Andrew Rosenfeld
   - Andy Hayden
   - Benjamin Adams
   - Benjamin M. Gross
   - Brian Quistorff
   - Brian Wignall
   - bwignall
   - clham
   - Daniel Waeber
   - David Bew
   - David Stephens
   - DSM
   - dsm054
   - helger
   - immerrr
   - Jacob Schaer
   - jaimefrio
   - Jan Schulz
   - John David Reaver
   - John W. O’Brien
   - Joris Van den Bossche
   - jreback
   - Julien Danjou
   - Kevin Sheppard
   - K.-Michael Aye
   - Kyle Meyer
   - lexual
   - Matthew Brett
   - Matt Wittmann
   - Michael Mueller
   - Mortada Mehyar
   - onesandzeroes
   - Phillip Cloud
   - Rob Levy
   - rockg
   - sanguineturtle
   - Schaer, Jacob C
   - seth-p
   - sinhrks
   - Stephan Hoyer
   - Thomas Kluyver
   - Todd Jennings
   - TomAugspurger
   - unknown
   - yelite
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