On 28.10.2014 21:24, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> On 28 Oct 2014 20:10, "Chris Barker" <chris.bar...@noaa.gov
> <mailto:chris.bar...@noaa.gov>> wrote:
>> Memory efficiency -- somethign like my growable array is not all that
> hard to implement and pretty darn quick -- you just do the usual trick_
> over allocate a bit of memory, and when it gets full re-allocate a
> larger chunk.
> Can't you just do this with regular numpy using .resize()? What does
> your special class add? (Just curious.)
>> From a quick loo, it seems that the Panda's code is pretty nice --
> maybe the 2X memory footprint should be ignored.
> +1
> It's fun to sit around and brainstorm clever implementation strategies,
> but Wes already went ahead and implemented all the tricky bits, and
> optimized them too. No point in reinventing the wheel.

just to through it in there, astropy recently also added a faster ascii
file reader:
not familiar with how it compares to pandas.

how is pandas support for unicode text files?
unicode is the big weak point of numpys current text readers and needs
to addressed.
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