Hi all,

I have recently been trying out various functions in masked array module of
numpy. I have got confused at a places in the *core.py *of *ma *module.

1. In the *masked_equal *method, the docstring doesn't suggest that
the *fill_value
*gets updated by the *value *parameter of the function, but this line (
https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/numpy/ma/core.py#L1978 ) sets
the *fill_value* as *value. *

2. The outputs of following functions - *any *(
https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/numpy/ma/core.py#L4327) - *all* (
are similar, they return *np.ma.masked *if all the elements have masks in
the array, else return *True*.

3.  _*MaskedBinaryOperation : *Used for multiply, add, subtract
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