Dear all,

I have initiated a PR-5597 <>,
which enables the reading of new flags from the site.cfg file.
@rgommers requested that I posted some information on this site, possibly
somebody could test it on their setup.

So the PR basically enables reading these extra options in each section:
runtime_library_dirs : Add runtime library directories to the shared
libraries (overrides the dreaded LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
extra_compile_args: Adds extra compile flags to the compilation
extra_link_args: Adds extra flags when linking to libraries

Note that this PR will "fix" a lot of issues down the line. Specifically
all software which utilises numpy's distutils will benefit from this.
As an example, I have successfully set runtime_library_dirs for site.cfg in
numpy, where scipy, petsc4py, pygsl, slepc4py utilises these flags and this
enables me to create environments without the need for LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

The other options simply adds to the flexibility of the compilation to test
different optimisations etc.

For instance my OpenBLAS section looks like this:
library_dirs = /opt/openblas/0.2.13/gnu-4.9.2/lib
include_dirs = /opt/openblas/0.2.13/gnu-4.9.2/include
runtime_library_dirs = /opt/openblas/0.2.13/gnu-4.9.2/lib

I hope this can be of use to somebody else than me :)

Feel free to test it and provide feedback!

Kind regards Nick
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