On 07/04/15 02:19, Matthew Brett wrote:

> ATLAS compiled with gcc also gives us some more license complication:
> http://numpy-discussion.10968.n7.nabble.com/Copyright-status-of-NumPy-binaries-on-Windows-OS-X-tp38793p38824.html

Ok, then I have a question regarding OpenBLAS:

Do we use the f2c'd lapack_lite or do we build LAPACK with gfortran and 
link into OpenBLAS? In the latter case we might get the libquadmath 
linked into the OpenBLAS binary as well.

> I agree that big slowdowns would be dangerous for numpy's reputation.
> Sturla - do you have a citable source for your factor of 20 figure?

I will look it up. The best thing would be to do a new benchmark though.

Another thing is it depends on the hardware. ATLAS is not very scalable 
on multiple processors, so it will be worse on a Mac Pro than a Macbook. 
It will also we worse with AVX than without.


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