
We are proud to announce v0.16.2 of pandas, a minor release from 0.16.1.

This release includes a small number of API changes, several new features,
enhancements, and performance improvements along with a large number of bug

This was a release of 4 weeks with 105 commits by 32 authors encompassing
48 issues and 71 pull-requests.

We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.

*What is it:*

*pandas* is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data
structures designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data both
easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block
doing practical, real world data analysis in Python. Additionally, it has
broader goal of becoming the most powerful and flexible open source data
analysis / manipulation tool available in any language.

Highlights of this release include:

   - A new *pipe* method, see here
   - Documentation on how to use numba <http://numba.pydata.org> with
   *pandas*, see here

See the Whatsnew in v0.16.2


Source tarballs, windows binaries are available on PyPI:

windows binaries are courtesy of  Christoph Gohlke and are built on Numpy
macosx wheels are courtesy of Matthew Brett

Please report any issues here:


The Pandas Development Team

Contributors to the 0.16.2 release

   - Andrew Rosenfeld
   - Artemy Kolchinsky
   - Bernard Willers
   - Christer van der Meeren
   - Christian Hudon
   - Constantine Glen Evans
   - Daniel Julius Lasiman
   - Evan Wright
   - Francesco Brundu
   - Gaëtan de Menten
   - Jake VanderPlas
   - James Hiebert
   - Jeff Reback
   - Joris Van den Bossche
   - Justin Lecher
   - Ka Wo Chen
   - Kevin Sheppard
   - Mortada Mehyar
   - Morton Fox
   - Robin Wilson
   - Thomas Grainger
   - Tom Ajamian
   - Tom Augspurger
   - Yoshiki Vázquez Baeza
   - Younggun Kim
   - austinc
   - behzad nouri
   - jreback
   - lexual
   - rekcahpassyla
   - scls19fr
   - sinhrks
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