Thank you all for replying and providing useful insights and suggestions.

The reasons I really want to use column-major are:

        I am image-oriented user (not matrix-oriented, as explained in
        I am so used to read/write "I(x, y, z)" in textbook and code, and it is 
very likely that if the environment (row-major environment) forces me to write 
I(z, y, x), I will write a bug if I am not 100% focused. When this happens, it 
is difficult to debug, because everything compile and build fine. You will see 
run time error. Depending on environment, you may get useful error message 
(i.e. index out of range), but sometimes you just get bad image results.
        It actually has not too much to do with the actual data layout in 
memory. In imaging processing, especially medical imaging where I am working 
in, if you have a 3D image, everyone will agree that in memory, the X index is 
the fasted changing index, and the Z dimension (we often call it the "slice" 
dimension) has the largest stride in memory. So, if data layout is like this in 
memory, and image-oriented users are so used to read/write "I(x,y,z)", the only 
storage order that makes sense is column-major
        I also write code in MATLAB and C/C++. In MATLAB, matrix is 
column-major array. In C/C++, we often use ITK, which is also column-major 
( I really prefer 
always read/write column-major code to minimize coding bugs related to storage 
        I also prefer index to be 0-based; however, there is nothing I can do 
about it for MATLAB (which is 1-based).

I can see that my original thought about "modifying NumPy source and 
re-compile" is probably a bad idea. The suggestions about using "fortran_zeros 
= partial(np.zeros(order='F'))" is probably the best way so far, in my opinion, 
and I am going to give it a try.

Again, thank you all for replying.


On 08/02/15, Nathaniel Smith  <> wrote:
> On Aug 2, 2015 7:30 AM, "Sturla Molden" <> wrote:
> >
> > On 02/08/15 15:55, Kang Wang wrote:
> >
> > > Can anyone provide any insight/help?
> >
> > There is no "default order". There was before, but now all operators
> > control the order of their return arrays from the order of their input
> > array.
> This is... overoptimistic. I would not rely on this in code that I wrote.
> It's true that many numpy operations do preserve the input order. But there 
> are also many operations that don't. And which are which often changes 
> between releases. (Not on purpose usually, but it's an easy bug to introduce. 
> And sometimes it is done intentionally, e.g. to make functions faster. It 
> sucks to have to make a function slower for everyone because someone 
> somewhere is depending on memory layout default details.) And there are 
> operations where it's not even clear what preserving order means (indexing a 
> C array with a Fortran array, add(C, fortran), ...), and even lots of 
> operations that intrinsically break contiguity/ordering (transpose, diagonal, 
> slicing, swapaxes, ...), so you will end up with mixed orderings one way or 
> another in any non-trivial program.
> Instead, it's better to explicitly specify order= just at the places where 
> you care. That way your code is *locally* correct (you can check it will work 
> by just reading the one function). The alternative is to try and enforce a 
> *global* property on your program ("everyone everywhere is very careful to 
> only use contiguity-preserving operations", where "everyone" includes third 
> party libraries like numpy and others). In software design, local invariants 
> invariants are always better than global invariants -- the most well known 
> example is local variables versus global variables, but the principle is much 
> broader.
> -n
Kang Wang, Ph.D.
1111 Highland Ave., Room 1113
Madison, WI 53705-2275
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