On Mi, 2016-06-22 at 02:38 +0200, Hans Larsen wrote:
> I have Python 3-5-1 and NumPy 1-11! windows 64bits!
> When will by side 'M=M@P' be supported with 'M@=P'???:-(

When someone gets around to making it a well defined operation? ;) Just
to be clear, `M = M @ P` is probably not what `M @= P` is, because the
result of that should probably be `temp = M @ P; M[...] = temp`.
Now this operation needs copy back to the original array from a
temporary array (you can't do it in-place, because you still need the
values in M after overwriting them if you would).

Just if you are curious why it is an error at the moment. We can't have
it be filled in by python to be not in-place (`M = M @ P` meaning), but
copying over the result is a bit annoying and nobody was quite sure
about it, so it was delayed.

- Sebastian

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