Doh! Thanks for that.

On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 10:48 AM, Marten van Kerkwijk <> wrote:

> Hi Stuart,
> It certainly seems correct behaviour to return the subclass you
> created: after all, you might want to keep the information on
> `columns` (e.g., consider doing nanmin along a given axis). Indeed, we
> certainly want to keep the unit in astropy's Quantity (which also is a
> subclass of ndarray).
> On the shape: shouldn't that be print(np.nanmin(r).shape)??
> Overall, I think it is worth considering very carefully what exactly
> you try to accomplish; if different elements along a given axis have
> different meaning, I'm not sure it makes all that much sense to treat
> them as a single array (e.g., np.sin might be useful for one column,
> not not another). Even if pandas is slower, the advantage in clarity
> of what is happening might well be more important in the long run.
> All the best,
> Marten
> p.s. nanmin is not a ufunc; you can find it in numpy/lib/
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