I guess this means we won't have access to SVN, right? Is there a timeline
available when this will be fixed? Sadly enough, my keys were generated on
an openSUSE system and are probably not affected by this vulnerability

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Key fingerprint - 66 4E 03 2C 9D B5 CB 9B  7A FE 7E C1 EE 88 BC 57
--- Begin Message ---

Due to a weakness in OpenSSL's randon number generator, SSH keys have been 
removed on Alioth, and SSH logins through public-key authentication have been 
disabled.  The latter will be restored when some safeguards have been set up so 
that insecure keys are not re-installed.  Please upgrade your OpenSSL libraries 
as per the Debian Security Advisory #1571, then ensure your keys are safe (or, 
preferably, generate new keys), then install them on your account management 

--- End Message ---
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