Citeren Arnaud Quette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> So integrating Powerman devices, knowledges and expertize into the NUT
> shouldn't be that hard, but would be a great deal for end users:
> - RPCs would be available through the network, protected by user auth,
> SSL and ACLs.

Minus the ACLs, we're dropping those in the next release.

> - GUIs would be easy to develop/adapt using the NUT protocol, the
> Python class or the C/C++ client library
> (imagine an RPC interactive picture...)

That would be neat.

> - We could manage a full power chain of UPSs and RPCs, and add some
> smarter/advanced features (like subscribing clients (nut slaves
> installed on computers) on a specific outlet, and have these shutdown
> earlier than others before putting the outlet off)

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. Why would clients  
subscribe to a specific outlet? And why would we want to switch off an  
outlet early?

We already have 'upssched' to shutdown clients early, so the only load  
saving that would benefit from shutdown through the outlet switches  
are 'dumb' devices that don't run NUT client software or NUT clients  
that somehow are no longer responsive. In both cases, they will be  
shutdown 'hard' anyway and as far as I can see there is little you can  
do about it.

Best regards, Arjen
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