On Mon, 2 Jun 2014, elliot smith wrote:


I want to propose a universal UPS driver that will work with any and all
UPSes out there.  That driver is called:  PING :-)

It works like this... the user plugs their router into a power source
OTHER than the UPS.  Instead of talking to the UPS, NUT pings the router
every say, 30 seconds.  If the router doesn't respond to the PING, NUT
keeps trying for a user-configurable amount of time, say, keep trying
every 10 seconds for the next 2 minutes... if the router is still down,
then NUT initiates shut-down, no differently than if the UPS driver was
reporting the the UPS was was running on battery power.

Sounds stupid, right?  Well it is stupid!  But having to replace a

Stupidly brilliant!

Please advise if this is something that can be implemented?

Certainly.  I'm putting it on my TODO list, because remote customers often
accidentally disconnect their UPS, and having something pingable *not* on the UPS would be a great backup. I have no idea when I could get to it,

You'd want failover functionality for the backup application.  I.e., if
the something is not pingable, BUT the regular UPS monitoring is
working (and the power is actually on), then do NOT initial shutdown.
The customer accidentally disconnected the something instead.

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