On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 4:19 AM, Matthew Wire <m...@mjwconsult.co.uk> wrote:
> Further analysis it looks like the status string matches the q1 subdriver
> but a lowercase "f" is sent to request it instead of "Q1\r". What do you
> think?

It is certainly possible - there is no comprehensive protocol guide
for all these variants.

I was hoping we would hear from the author of nutdrv_qx, but in the
mean time, he also wrote this portion of the developer documentation:

In your case, it sounds like you can start from the q1 driver - maybe
modify it in-place first to verify assumptions, then move it to a new
file. Let us know if you need help getting a development environment
set up. It is often possible to configure NUT to match the paths of
existing packages, such that you can temporarily run the new driver
from the source tree and have it connect to the packaged upsd.

One potential hitch is that there are already several devices out
there with the 0001/0000 ID.

- Charles Lepple

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