[moved to nut-upsdev while we figure out the protocol]

> On Mar 9, 2017, at 11:22 AM, Drew from Zhrodague 
> <drewzhroda...@zhrodague.net> wrote:
> I'm able to cat /dev/usb/hiddev0 and /dev/hidraw0 - I pipe this through 
> hexdump and I get different types of data from each:
> hiddev:
> 0002420 00a7 ffa0 00ff 0000 00a7 ffa0 00ff 0000
> 0002430 00a7 ffa0 00a3 0000 00a7 ffa0 0001 0000
> 0002440 00a6 ffa0 0080 0000 00a7 ffa0 0011 0000
> 0002450 00a7 ffa0 00bd 0000 00a7 ffa0 0057 0000
> 0002460 00a7 ffa0 00ff 0000 00a7 ffa0 00ff 0000
> 0002470 00a7 ffa0 00a3 0000 00a7 ffa0 0001 0000
> hidraw:
> 0000000 1180 59e1 ffff 01a3 1180 59e2 ffff 01a3
> 0000010 1180 5ae3 ffff 01a3 1180 5ae4 ffff 01a3
> 0000020 1180 5ae5 ffff 01a3 1180 5ae6 ffff 01a3
> 0000030 1180 5ae7 ffff 01a3 1180 5ae8 ffff 01a3
> 0000040 1180 5ae9 ffff 01a3 1180 5aea ffff 01a3
> 0000050 1180 5aeb ffff 01a3 1180 5aec ffff 01a3

I was trying to reconcile this with your earlier information from usbhid-dump, 
and it looks like hexdump is swapping bytes:

$ printf 12345678|hexdump
0000000 3231 3433 3635 3837                    

You can do one of the following to get the natural order, plus an ASCII dump:

$ printf 12345678|hexdump -C
00000000  31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38                           |12345678|
$ printf 12345678|hd
00000000  31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38                           |12345678|

>       I haven't been able to figure out what the differences between hiddev 
> and hidraw are, but the first one has the state (0001), and the second one 
> has the timers (59e2). It also looks like there are two sentences per line.
>       I have put together a bash script to fetch a few lines from the hiddev, 
> and look for a key/value - sometimes what I'm using as a key changes between 
> boots. It may not be a key/value pair.

Here's the kernel documentation:



In both cases, "cat" is triggering the "read()" operation in each driver.

> In its basic mode, the hiddev will make these individual
> usage changes available to the reader using a struct hiddev_event:
>        struct hiddev_event {
>            unsigned hid;
>            signed int value;
>        };

I think the "hid" value in the hiddev output is one of "ffa000a6" or 
"ffa000a7", but byte-swapped (still i686, right?) and hexdump-swapped to "00a6 
ffa0" and "00a7 ffa0". The next four bytes are the zero-padded version of each 
byte that shows up in the hidraw output.

I'm not sure what the difference between the ...a6 and ...a7 parts are -- the 
HID Report Descriptor is not well-formed. It does look like the a6 part comes 
right before the 80, which seems to be at the beginning of the message.

For hidraw, it looks like we could just read 8 bytes at once, and be done.

>> If you are interested in taking a look at related code, these two drivers 
>> are probably good starting points:
>> * 
>> https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/blob/libusb-1.0/drivers/nutdrv_atcl_usb.c
>> * 
>> https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/blob/libusb-1.0/drivers/richcomm_usb.c

I mention these two drivers because, as I recall, they are also for non-PDC HID 
devices. For portability, NUT tends to use libusb rather than the 
Linux-specific hiddev/hidraw APIs. We have a few options:

 * Use hidraw, which is only available on Linux, but is known to work with this 
device. This would require a bit of autoconf plumbing in order to prevent other 
platforms from building the new driver.
 * Use HIDAPI, a portability library written by Alan Ott (author of the 
hidraw.txt kernel documentation). Adds another dependency that we haven't used 
 * Use libhid, which involves detaching the hiddev/hidraw driver from the 
device. We do this all the time with PDC HID devices. It might take a little 
more experimenting to find the libusb command to send.

NUT developers: anyone else want to weigh in here? I'm leaning towards the 
third option, but I'm open to suggestions.
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