On July 5, 2017 9:55:13 AM GMT+02:00, Roger Price <ro...@rogerprice.org> wrote:
>I would like to add a sentence to the man page for upssched.conf.
>After the sentence
>"Note that any AT that matches both the notifytype and the upsname for
>current event will be used."
>I propose adding the sentence
>"If more than one AT matches the notifytype and upsname, the AT 
>declarations are executed in the order in which they appear in 
>This is the current behaviour so there is nothing to do technically,
>but I 
>would like this behaviour to become recognized and permanent, and not 
>unofficial and possibly ephemeral as at present.
>Why?  The current behaviour makes it possible to restart a timer on a 
>given event, for example by writing
>   AT ONBATT heartbeat@localhost CANCEL-TIMER heartbeat-failure
>   AT ONBATT heartbeat@localhost START-TIMER heartbeat-failure 660
>For this to work, it is essential that the AT's are executed in the
>they are written.
>Nut-upsdev mailing list

Your proposal and reasoning make sense to me :)

I wonder if it would be more valuable and visible if such "direct change" 
suggestions were added as pull requests on github, with much of the description 
posted there and an email to pass the URL (and maybe a pitch of the idea) and 
so stir up discussion in community?.. It is not too much hassle after initial 
repo-cloning setup, at least where people expect to contribute more than once.

Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Redmi Android

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