> I've just received a mail from Pedro Côrte Real telling me that waiting
> before launching upsd could solve the problem.
> I've tried, but no luck. newhidups was launched 2 hours ago, and I tried
> to launch upsd 15 minutes ago.
> upsd output is :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> sudo upsd -DDDD -u root
> Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.4
> Connected to UPS [mge]: newhidups-auto
> Synchronizing........ giving up
> Pinging UPS [mge]
> Data for UPS [mge] is stale - check driver
> Pinging UPS [mge]
> Pinging UPS [mge]
> Pinging UPS [mge]
> Pinging UPS [mge]
> ...

This is a different problem, your driver is not answering at all and it
looks like the dumpall command is not processed. Upgrading to the latest
development version would be a good idea now, since a few things have
changed in the newhidups driver lately.

> Seems that it should be necessary to increase synchronizing time at upsd
> startup. What value would be reasonable for INITIAL_WAIT_MAX ?

I will make this value configurable later today in the (development)
trunk. It will basically have the same default value, which can be
overridden by specifying INITIALWAITMAX in upsd.conf, but again I really
doubt this is your problem. Please note that you don't want to overdo
this. All the time you spend in the initial waiting, upsmon isn't running
(yet), so you're basically blind to any changes in power/battery state.
Which may be a problem if you loose power repeatedly without the batteries
fully recharged again in the mean time.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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