> The latest version available packaged for Debian that I can find on the
> Debian site is 2.0.5-3, the one I've previously had trouble with.

The problems you have don't seem to be related to the anything wrong with
the code, but rather with the configuration. So I'd go with the packaged
version for Debian if I were you.

> So that's the one I should be using? Would I be better off dumping the
> source build and installing 2.0.5-3 , or doing a source build from the
> 2.1. development tree?

There are some improvements in the development tree, but not that critical
that warrants an advice to not use nut-2.0.5 anymore. The latter should be
fine. As long as you still don't have a more or less working setup, it is
pointless to try to head for the development version. It will have
(almost) the same problems.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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