Brilliantly, I forgot to include information about my setup.  Also, as
is usually the case, I found (at least part of) the answer to my own
question minutes after sending the previous email.

Setup is a bunch of APC UPS's monitored by SNMP.  We are using nut-snmp
2.2.0.  I've found in the documentation ups.realpower and ups.power, and
while those aren't percent values it's something to start with.  It
looks like I just need to extend the apc mib to fetch ups.power and
ups.realpower.  Hopefully someone can let me know if I'm on the right
track, but things are looking up.

On Mon, 2009-09-28 at 20:13 -0700, Patrick Shyvers wrote:
> Hello, I've been using NUT and cacti to graph some values from our
> UPS's.  Unfortunately, while the APC UPS's seem to track both apparent
> (complex) power % and real power %, as best I can tell NUT will only
> fetch apparent power.  ups.load returns apparent power, and I can't find
> any key that returns real power- we need to know both.  Am I missing
> something?  Is there a patch I can use?  Or is this simply not
> supported.
> (Also, if I'm confused and you're confident ups.load returns real power,
> then please tell me about how to get apparent power!)
> Thank you!
> -Patrick
> P.S. Real power % is the more pressing concern- all our loads seem to
> have a ratio close to 1, and the UPS's all have a lower real power
> capacity, so we're approaching our real power ceiling faster than
> apparent power.

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