On Jun 19, 2017, at 7:56 PM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
> On 06/20/2017 02:27 AM, Charles Lepple wrote:
>> On Jun 19, 2017, at 10:45 AM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
>>> #lsusb -vvv -d 0463:ffff
>>> Bus 002 Device 012: ID 0463:ffff MGE UPS Systems UPS
>> ...
>>>       HID Device Descriptor:
>>>          bLength                 9
>>>          bDescriptorType        33
>>>          bcdHID               1.10
>>>          bCountryCode           33 US
>>>          bNumDescriptors         1
>>>          bDescriptorType        34 Report
>>>          wDescriptorLength     549
>>>          Warning: incomplete report descriptor
>>>          Report Descriptor: (length is 9)
>>>            Item(Main  ): (null), data=none
>>>            Item(Main  ): (null), data=none
>>>            Item(Main  ): (null), data=none
>> If I recall, this is equivalent to the usbhid-ups "method 2" approach to 
>> retrieving the descriptor. 
> That's greek to me, I am completely unfamiliar to any of nut ( and its 
> drivers ) internals :) But if I can configure usbhid-ups in a different 
> manner which I did not spot from the docs, please point me to the correct 
> docs.

No configuration needed - the driver tries both methods:

  1.013273     HID descriptor length (method 1) -1
  1.013277     i=0, extra[i]=09, extra[i+1]=21
  1.013283     HID descriptor, method 2: (9 bytes) => 09 21 10 01 21 01 22 25 02
  1.013287     HID descriptor length (method 2) 549
  1.013290     HID descriptor length 549
  1.013920     Unable to get Report descriptor: Broken pipe

It does not get a length for method 1, so it moves on to method 2, which gets a 
length, but fails to get the rest of the descriptor. This is what is happening 
to lsusb, too (tries to fetch 549 bytes, gets only 9).

> However I am using the very same package on my personal workstation (which is 
> also running CentOS 6 but has a whole lot of packages installed either from 
> 3rd party repos or built by me  ) since Fri 09 Jan 2015 (I needed it for 
> heimdall ) and I had zero issues so far.

Can you be more specific about this? What hardware are you testing libusbx 
1.0.19 with?
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