
I'm trying to get upsd (version 2.7.2 running on Debian) to work with an SSL certificate.

When I run /sbin/upsd (as 'root' or as user 'nut') or on the command line or start it with systemctl, I get the following:

 Startup successful
Aug 31 22:00:29 pve upsd[20522]: Intend to retrieve password for NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services / NSS Certificate DB: password configured Aug 31 22:00:29 pve upsd[20522]: Intend to retrieve password for NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services / NSS Certificate DB: password configured
Aug 31 22:00:29 pve upsd[20522]: Can not inialize SSL connection
Aug 31 22:00:34 pve upsd[20522]: Intend to retrieve password for NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services / NSS Certificate DB: password configured Aug 31 22:00:34 pve upsd[20522]: Intend to retrieve password for NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services / NSS Certificate DB: password configured
Aug 31 22:00:34 pve upsd[20522]: Can not inialize SSL connection

However, when I start it on the command line with the -D option, it works:

   0.000196    listening on port 3493
0.002103 Intend to retrieve password for NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services / NSS Certificate DB: password configured
   0.002348    Connected to UPS [eaton]: dummy-ups-eaton
   2.592014    SSL handshake done successfully with client
   2.593174    User nut_nut@ logged into UPS [eaton] (SSL)

My upsd.conf file is as follows:

CERTPATH /etc/nut/cert_db/
CERTIDENT Nut\ Server <password here>

Permissions on /etc/nut and /etc/nut/cert_db are 0650 while all the files are 640. Everything is owned by user 'root', group 'nut'.

What can cause this?



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