On Sep 17, 2017, at 9:39 PM, MTS <mts5...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> I am looking at the readme in /scripts/python but am unsure how to proceed.

To be honest, the install process for the GUI is pretty much "install the 
distro package", due to the additional dependencies. (I have been trying to 
install some Python GUI modules from PyPI for another project, and the .deb 
packages seem way cleaner.)

To install the PyNUT module, look for the 'site-packages' directory in the 
output of this command:

python -c 'import sys; print sys.path'

Copy PyNUT.py to that directory.

(The Debian/Ubuntu/Mint way is to put modules in python-support, then the 
postinst does some magic to compile the modules into the site-packages for each 
of the Python versions that are installed.)

To run the NUT-Monitor GUI, you will need PyGTK. For help there, you may need 
to ask on a Solus list or forum.

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