On December 9, 2017 2:25:37 AM GMT+01:00, Common Granger <com...@mgranger.com> 
>I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS using NUT 2.7.4 with an APC Back-UPS
>The problem is I do test shutdown using  sudo upsmon -c fsd and my
>shuts down ok but no matter how long I wait it never turns back on.  Is
>there a way to fix this.  I am using the usbhid-ups driver.

Check in BIOS settings - what does motherboard do when external power appears? 
If it is at Last State or Powered Off - it stays off as you've shut down 
before. Make sure this is set to Power On.

Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Android

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