I operate a number of web stores running Storefront 5.0 shopping cart.  I
find that your crawler failed to establish the values of Category,
Manufacturer and Vendor in the query string when indexing this site.  That
caused the product search tool to fail.
Greg Dinger
GreyBeard Design Group
Web Development, Hosting and ASP Scripting
1525 Highland Drive
Mt. Shasta, CA  96067
530 926-1192 Phone/Fax
 <http://www.greybearddesign.com/> www.GreyBeardDesign.com


Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:24 PM
To: Error Alert
Subject: Error Alert: www.wranglersroost.com/search_results.asp

The file "www.wranglersroost.com/search_results.asp" generated an Internal
Server Error
Referrer: "undefined".
Browser: "NutchCVS/0.7.1 (Nutch; http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/bot.html;
IP address: "".
User email: undefined.
Product ID: undefined.
Time: "21:24".

Microsoft JET Database Engine
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'prodCategoryId = AND
prodManufacturerId = AND prodVendorId = AND prodEnabledIsActive = 1'.
/search_results.asp, line 152

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