We're sorry if you received two emails from us. We weren't sure which address to use.
Thank you for the link to http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/bot.html and for the information it provided. We automatically receive emails from our IIS server when anyone accesses a page requiring a password. We try to learn as much as we can about the visitor. Naturally, we want search engine robots and crawlers to visit our site, but they produce unwanted emails when they arrive at pages that request a password. We plan to use the Robots Exclusion Protocol method you suggest that allows website administrators to indicate to visiting robots which parts of their site should not be visited by the robot. Thank you. Do we correctly understand that Nutch Robot is a project of personnel/students at the University of Washington (http://www.cs.washington.edu/) Department of Computer Science and Engineering? Your department may be interested in our computer applications which can be reviewed at www.healthcarelink.md. Be sure to click on Biosymtec Technology. Late in 2003 Healthcarelink developed Biosymtec technology which can detect a respiratory or non-respiratory infection up to two days before monitored individuals complain of symptoms, providing early warning and permitting early medical intervention. During 2004 the underlying technology was tested by monitoring fifty healthcare workers at a major hospital in Tianjin, China, from right here in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. China is the very part of the world most concerned about respiratory infections. The technology was also tested at five health clinics in Hong Kong. Out of 7,500 data-days, we detected respiratory infections in four individuals before they reported symptoms. We were right every time and missed none. Please pass this email on to the Research Department of UW Medicine. John L. Beiswenger Healthcarelink® 950 Strasburg Pike Strasburg, PA 17579 717-687-5209 www.healthcarelink.md Technology Center: Tecnova 1500 St. Paul Avenue Gurnee, IL 60031 www.tecnova.com