
Am 06.09.2005 um 11:41 schrieb Jérôme Charron:

Since the plugins can specify some dependencies each over, it raises an
administrator problem.
For a Nutch administrator, it is not user-friendly to specify which plugins
to activate/deactivate.
With plugin inter-dependencies, the administrator need to know that a plugin
depends on another one
while setting the plugin.includes properties.
For instance, in the next releases of the parse-mspowerpoint plugin, if he
wants to activate this plugin,
he need to activate the lib-jakarta-poi plugin. If he doesn't, a
ClassNotFoundException will be raised at runtime.
The idea is to provide a property named plugin.autoactivation that can take
true or false if value.
If the value is true, then the plugin repository automatically activates the
needed plugins if not specified in the plugin.includes property.
If the value is false, then the plugin repository do not automatically
activates any needed plugin by dependencies specifications.
Finally, in both cases, if a dependency is missing for a plugin, a WARN
message is displayed and the plugin is not activated.

I'm not sure of seeing all the implications of such a mechanism (not sure it
is feasible anyway),
so please comments if you think it is dangerous for any reason.




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