Will the resources (scripts, modifications, documentation etc) of this setup be publicly available I mean could this installation be something like RI for implementing nutch based search for a public web site.

I see this as a great opportunity to produce some generally usable stuff that would help lots of people to setup a site search.

I am also available for this if help is required.

 Sami Siren

John X wrote:
On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 12:19:38PM -0800, Doug Cutting wrote:

John X wrote:

Please count me in.

Thanks, John.

My pleasure.

I forgot to mention that I'd prefer a committer for this, and you're a committer, so that works well!

Is there a timetable for it?

No, whenever you can get to it.

I'll make you an account and send you the details.

Let me know when you have it.


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