Hi Chris,
thanks for the clarification.
Do you think we can we somehow cache it in the nutchConf instance, since this is the way we doing this on other places as well?

Am 07.03.2006 um 04:38 schrieb Chris Mattmann:

Hi Stefan,

after a short time I already had 1602 time this lines in my
tasktracker log files.
060307 022707 task_m_2bu9o4  found resource parse-plugins.xml at

Sounds like this file is loaded 1602 (after lets say 3 minutes) I
guess that wasn't the goal or do I oversee anything?

It certainly wasn't the goal at all. After NUTCH-88, Jerome and I had the
following line in the ParserFactory.java class:

  /** List of parser plugins. */
  private static final ParsePluginList PARSE_PLUGIN_LIST =
          new ParsePluginsReader().parse();

(see revision 326889)

Looking at the revision history for the ParserFactory file, after the
application of NUTCH-169, the above changes to:

  private ParsePluginList parsePluginList;

//... code here

public ParserFactory(NutchConf nutchConf) {
    this.nutchConf = nutchConf;
this.extensionPoint = nutchConf.getPluginRepository ().getExtensionPoint(
    this.parsePluginList = new ParsePluginsReader().parse(nutchConf);

    if (this.extensionPoint == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("x point " + Parser.X_POINT_ID + " not
    if (this.parsePluginList == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Parse Plugins preferences could not be loaded.");

Thus, every time the ParserFactory is constructed, the parse- plugins.xml
file is read (it's the result of the call to
ParsePluginsReader().parse(nutchConf)). So, if the fie is loaded 1602 times, I'd guess that the ParserFactory is loaded 1602 times? Additionally, I'm wondering why the parse-plugins.xml configuration parameters aren't declared
as final static anymore?

That could be a serious performance improvement to just load this
file once.

Yup, I think that's the reason we made it final static. If there is no
reason to not have it final static, I would suggest that it be put back to
final static. There may be a problem however, now since NUTCH-169, the
loading requires an existing Configuration object I believe. So, we may need
a static Configuration object as well. Thoughts?

I was not able to find the code that is logging this statement, has
anyone a idea where this happens?

The statement gets logged within the ParsePluginsReader.java class, line 98:

ppInputStream = conf.getConfResourceAsInputStream(


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