
Could you please submit a JIRA issue and attach this (or perhaps the diff for whole plugin exluding the jcifs .jar because it is lgpl) in it.

René Treffer wrote:

I've just written an protocol-smb, it's really simple (code attached). It uses the jcifs lib and seems to work - but there is some stuff I'd like to discuss...

Nutch is glued to URL, which works if you write an URLHandler. No Problem so far, but you can't install an URLHandler everywhere - have a look at the jcifs FAQ ( http://jcifs.samba.org/src/docs/faq.html ). Most important: It won't work in you war - so protocol plugins will be useless in a web context! Might cause a lot of trouble. Moreover Nutch will never be able to handle \\\ correctly with URL....

Perhaps a custom URL parser (nutch currently uses URL class only for parsing urls) could do the job here. I have seen custom implementations at least in tomcat which we could perhaps borrow and extend if required.

Converting directories into html lists suck. And reproducing the code is even worse. Perhaps a virtual mime-type could be added (e.g. "nutch/dir"). Almost forgotten: tell my how I should index files with " and ' in there name (currently I check for ' and change the href quotes). Same problem for file://

There could perhaps be a different crawler implementation to crawl local filesystem and these shared windows resources (and perhaps webdav too) efficiently.

 Sami Siren

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