On 3/23/07, Tim Archambault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Any chance this'll be available on the web? No chance I'll get there.

Yes, I'll make it available eventually (not before the conference...
that wouldn't be fair to the ASF or ApacheCon producers).  I'll try
and add some content in the notes sections so you're not left with a
bunch of bullets that don't make sense :-)

Also, I'm at OSCMS at Yahoo! and I see so much upside to integrating SOLR
with Drupal.  Faceted search capability in Drupal would be absolutely
killer. Has this conversation ever come up in the SOLR community?

I don't know anything about Drupal, and I'm not sure if the current plugin
supports faceting or not... but it might be a place to start.


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