
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Sami Siren <ssi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We (as a Nutch community) would really appreciate if somebody from the PMC
> had the time to check it out.

-1 The release contains the Java Advanced Imaging libraries
(jai_core.jar and jai_codec.jar) which are licensed under Sun's Binary
Code License. We can't redistribute those libraries.

Other comments based on a quick look:

* The LICENSE.txt file should have at least references to the licenses
of the bundled libraries.

* The NOTICE.txt file should start with the the following lines:

          Apache Nutch
          Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation

* The NOTICE.txt file should contain the required copyright notices
from all bundled libraries.

* The README.txt should start with "Apache Nutch" instead of "Nutch"

* Why does the release package contain pre-built documentation and
binaries? Downloading the 90MB package takes much longer than checking
out and building the 40MB tag from svn. IMHO it would be a service to
users to make the release contain just the svn export with instruction
on how to build the rest. We can also still provide pre-built binaries
as separate downloads. More notably: how am I to verify that the
release came from the sources in our svn when it contains stuff that
doesn't exist in the svn?


Jukka Zitting

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