Alban Mouton wrote:

I have looked a little into nutch code and mailing lists. I think the nutchbase branch ( is very interesting, with a good potential to improve code clarity and flexibility (I find data structure quite obscure in current version). The issue is untouched since last august, so my question is : can nutchbase really be part of nutch 1.1 ?

Definitely no. Release 1.1 will be an update to 1.0, with no major design changes. However, we intend to integrate the nutchbase branch with trunk at some point - but since this would be a major change it would come under 2.0 branch or so ...

Is there still much work to do or is it almost ready ? Is it a worthy issue for an interested developer with a (still !) limited knowledge of the project ?

Please contact Dogacan, who is leading the work on this branch. AFAIK he's going to update the design soon.

So far I have only tried to run nutchbase in eclipse by applying the tutorial ( but I run in errors when building, mostly from Parser and tests. I may start by cleaning this up.

See above - please coordinate with Dogacan to avoid duplication of effort.

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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