Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Nutch Wiki" for change 

The "FrontPage" page has been changed by JohnWhelan.
The comment on this change is: Changes to Cygwin mount points have broken the 
WhelanLabs Search Engine Manager. No new version is planned..


   * [[|FooFactory]] Nutch and Hadoop related posts
   * [[|Spinn3r]] [[|Open 
Source components]] (our contribution to the crawling OSS community with more 
to come).
   * [[|Larger / better 
quality Nutch logos]] Re-created Nutch logos available in GIF, PNG & EPS in 
resolutions up to 1200 x 449
-  * [[|WhelanLabs 
SearchEngine Manager]] An all-in-one, bundled implementation of Nutch, Tomcat, 
and Cygwin, and JRE for Microsoft Windows. Includes an installer and a 
simplified administrative UI.

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