On 2010-04-04 02:59, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote: > Hey Guys, > > Question. I see 2 releases that haven't been cut in JIRA: > > 0.8.2: > https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=106 > 80&fixfor=12312064 > > 0.7.3: > > https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=106 > 80&fixfor=12312176 > > I'm happy to cut 0.8.2 as part of the 1.1 effort, to get it out the door. > However, I have a question: is this Nutch 0.8.2 in SVN? > > http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/nutch/branches/branch-0.8/
That's the code that was intended to become 0.8.2 ... However, I'm not sure whether there's any benefit in releasing either of these. Those who really had the need to track this branch (or 0.7) likely used the code from this branch even though it wasn't released. And I believe we are not interested in maintaining a new release based on this code...? -- Best regards, Andrzej Bialecki <>< ___. ___ ___ ___ _ _ __________________________________ [__ || __|__/|__||\/| Information Retrieval, Semantic Web ___|||__|| \| || | Embedded Unix, System Integration http://www.sigram.com Contact: info at sigram dot com