Hi all,

According to an earlier [DISCUSS] thread on the nutch-dev list I'm
calling for a vote on the proposal to make Nutch a top-level project.

To quickly recap the reasons and consequences of such move: the ASF
board is concerned about the size and diversity of goals across various
subprojects under the Lucene TLP, and suggests that each subproject
should evaluate whether becoming its own TLP would better serve the
project itself and the Lucene TLP.

We discussed this issue and expressed opinions that ranged from positive
(easier management, better exposure, better focus on the mission, not
really dependent on Lucene development) to neutral (no significant
reason, only political change) to moderately negative (increased admin
work, decreased exposure).

Therefore, the proposal is to separate Nutch from under Lucene TLP and
form a top-level project with its own PMC, own svn and own site.

Please indicate one of the following:

[ ] +1 - yes, I vote for the proposal
[ ] -1 - no, I vote against the proposal (because ...)

(Please note that anyone in the Nutch community is invited to express
their opinion, though only Nutch committers cast binding votes.)

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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