I have a couple very basic questions about Luke and indexes in
general. Answers to any of these questions are much appreciated:

1. In the Luke overview tab, what does "Index version" refer to?

2. Also in the overview tab, if "Has Deletions?" is equal to yes,
where are the possible sources of deletions? Dedup? Manual deletions
through luke?

3. Is there any way (w/ Luke or otherwise) to get a file listing all
of the docs in an index. Basically is there an index equivalent of
this command (which outputs all the URLs in a segment):

bin/nutch org.apache.nutch.pagedb.FetchListEntry -dumpurls segmentsDir

4. Finally, my last question is the one I'm most perplexed by:

I called "bin/nutch segread -list -dir" for a particular segments
directory and found out that one directory had 93 entries. BUT, when I
opened up the index of that segment in Luke, there were only 23
documents (and 3 deletions)! Where did the rest of the URLs go??

Thanks ahead of time for any helpful suggestions,

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