It is a known bug in 0.7.1 distribution. You can get the sources directly from svn and it build fine. It is also fixed in preparation for 0.7.2 release and in trunk. Or you can fix it locally by creating empty src/java folder I am not sure if it is the only one empty folder missing in nutch-extensionpoints folder but there should be not so many of them.
Teruhiko Kurosaka wrote:
Where can I find the build instructions for Nutch?

Just typing "ant" ended with an error complaining that
there is no such directory as ...\src\plugin\nutch-extensionpoints\src\java

This is Nutch 0.7.1 download and I'm trying to build
on Windows XP Professional with Cygwin and JDK 1.5.
(I tried JDK 1.4.1 but I saw the same failure.)


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