
Thanks for the tip :)
Currently my boxes are set to 1024, but I'm gonna bump it to 16k and let
you know if it fixes the problem.


Chris Schneider wrote:

>You might want to try increasing the number of open files allowed on your 
>master machine. We've increased this twice now, and each time it solved 
>similar problems. We now have it at 16K. See my other post today (re: Corrupt 
>NDFS?) for more details.
>Good Luck,
>- Chris
>At 11:07 AM -0500 2/10/06, Florent Gluck wrote:
>>I have 4 boxes (1 master, 3 slaves), about 33GB worth of segment data
>>and 4.6M fetched urls in my crawldb.  I'm using the mapred code from
>>trunk  (revision 374061, Wed, 01 Feb 2006).
>>I was able to generate the indexes from the crawldb and linkdb, but I
>>started to see this error recently while  running a dedup on my indexes:
>>060210 061707  reduce 9%
>>060210 061710  reduce 10%
>>060210 061713  reduce 11%
>>060210 061717  reduce 12%
>>060210 061719  reduce 11%
>>060210 061723  reduce 10%
>>060210 061725  reduce 11%
>>060210 061726  reduce 10%
>>060210 061729  reduce 11%
>>060210 061730  reduce 9%
>>060210 061732  reduce 10%
>>060210 061736  reduce 11%
>>060210 061739  reduce 12%
>>060210 061742  reduce 10%
>>060210 061743  reduce 9%
>>060210 061745  reduce 10%
>>060210 061746  reduce 100%
>>Exception in thread "main" Job failed!
>> at org.apache.nutch.mapred.JobClient.runJob(
>> at
>> at
>>I can see a lot of these messages in the jobtracker log on the master:
>>060210 061743 Task 'task_r_4t50k4' has been lost.
>>060210 061743 Task 'task_r_79vn7i' has been lost.
>>On every single slave, I get this file not found exception in the
>>tasktracker log:
>>060210 061749 Server handler 0 on 50040 caught:
>>       at
>>       at
>>       at
>>       at
>>       at
>>       at
>>       at org.apache.nutch.ipc.Server$
>>I used to be able to complete the index dedupping successfully when my
>>segments/crawldb was smaller, but I don't see why this would be related
>>to the FileNotFoundException.  I'm by far not running out of disk space
>>and my hard discs work properly.
>>Has anyone encountered a similar issue or has a clue about what's happening?

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