I'm attempting to crawl a single samba mounted share. During testing,
I'm crawling like this:

./bin/nutch crawl urls -dir crawldir4 -depth 2 -topN 20

I'm using luke 0.6 to query and analyze the index.


1.) search by file type doesn't work
I expected that a search "file type:pdf" would have returned a list of
files on the local filesystem, but it does not.

2.) invalid nutch file type detection
I see the following in the hadoop.log:
2006-08-30 15:12:07,766 WARN  parse.ParseUtil - Unable to successfully
parse content file:/mnt/bobdocs/acta.zip of type application/zip
2006-08-30 15:12:07,766 WARN  fetcher.Fetcher - Error parsing:
file:/mnt/bobdocs/acta.zip: failed(2,202): Content truncated at
1024000 bytes. Parser can't handle incomplete pdf file.
acta.zip is a .zip file, not a .pdf. Don't have any idea why this happens.

3.) Why is the TextParser mapped to application/pdf and what has that
have to do with indexing a .txt file?
2006-08-30 15:12:02,593 INFO  fetcher.Fetcher - fetching
2006-08-30 15:12:02,916 WARN  parse.ParserFactory -
ParserFactory:Plugin: org.apache.nutch.parse.text.TextParser mapped to
contentType application/pdf via parse-plugins.xml, but its plugin.xml
file does not claim to support contentType: application/pdf

4.) Some .doc files can't be indexed, although I can open them via
openoffice 2 with no problems
2006-08-30 15:12:02,991 WARN  parse.ParseUtil - Unable to successfully
parse content file:/mnt/bobdocs/cards2005.doc of type
2006-08-30 15:12:02,991 WARN  fetcher.Fetcher - Error parsing:
file:/mnt/bobdocs/cards2005.doc: failed(2,0): Can't be handled as
micrsosoft document. java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String
dex out of range: -1024

5.) MoreIndexingFilter doesn't seem to work
The relevant part of the hadoop.log file:
2006-08-30 15:13:40,235 WARN  more.MoreIndexingFilter -
The type can not be null or empty
This happens with other file types, as well:
2006-08-30 15:13:54,697 WARN  more.MoreIndexingFilter -
The type can not be null or empty

6.) At the moment, I'm crawling the same directory (/mnt/bobdocs), the
crawl process seems to be stuck in an infinite loop and I have no way
of knowing what's going on as the .log isn't flushed until the process


logs/hadoop.log inspection reveals things like this:

My (relevant) crawl settings are:














Add the following configuration options to the nutch-*.xml files:
* allow search by date or extension (with no other criteria)
* always flush log to disk (at every log addition).


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