On 9/7/06, heack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I meet the same problem with you. I think if there exist a way to store a
description to .mp3 .wmv or .avi .. files, and could be searched.

I believe the problem can't be solved by adding a new parse plugin to
parse "all other (binary) filetypes": this additional parser would
still get the complete (possibly very big) file from the remote host.
At which level are the http.content.limit and file.content.limit taken
into accont?
I'm thinking a new configuration setting (say,
(http|file).unsupported.extensions) set to "mp3|iso|psd" etc. could
guide the fetch algorithm so that it doesn't fetch the file contents
for these files, but simply fetches information *about* the files in
question. How does that sound?


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