Has you reindexed your segments? It's important, because it makes nutch
recognize your common terms. I've tried it and the only thing I've noted was
the index size that is more big than the original (before use the common

On 9/25/06, carmmello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm using Nutch 0.7.2 and have added to the common-terms.utf8 in the conf
folder (and also under the classes folder, inside the ROOT folder on
TomCat), some common terms in portuguese, one per line , like:
However, when I try some search, I get all the results for those
portuguese common terms, and, at the same time, I get zero results for the
original english terms.  I have even tried to list all the terms in
alphabetical order, including the original ones, with the same results.  In
other words, Nutch does not seem to recognize, as such, the  added common
terms, only the original ones, included in the distribution.
Can any one clarify this?

Lourival Junior
Universidade Federal do Pará
Curso de Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação

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