Tomi said:

> In conclusion, my position is pragmatic: I welcome the simplest
> solution to implement the "or" search. I just believe that it'd be
> easiest to do that extending the nutch Analyzer.

This seems like a very reasonable approach. I too would very much like
OR. It would also be nice if it worked in 0.7.2 and I could drop it in,
but that may be asking for too much.

         - Bill

         | Bill Goffe                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
         | Department of Economics    voice: (315) 312-3444     |
         | SUNY Oswego                fax:   (315) 312-5444     |
         | 416 Mahar Hall             <>     |          
         | Oswego, NY  13126                                    |
| "Been there. Done that."                                                  |
|   -- Ed Viesturs as he looked up Mount Everest. He climbed it five times, |
|      twice without oxygen. He now plans to be the first American to scale |
|      all of the world's 8,000 meter mountains. "Climber for the Ages Has  |
|      Next Peak in View," New York Times, 2/13/00.                         |

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