I might be totally off base with what your asking to do, but take a look at 
this open source project: http://phpadsnew.com/two/.
Its basically an advertising engine, built on PHP. Integration within any 
application is a breeze, and it supports external advertising such as Google 


----- Original Message ----
To: nutch-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 10:52:56 AM
Subject: How best to add "sponsored link" support..??

Hi all,

I've been tasked with looking into this and am not a coder - that said, 
Nutch  is doing great and the bean counters have asked me to look into 
adding sponsored link results and I'm wondering how best to add this.

It would be nice to utilize the Nutch engine to come up with the pages 
versus just doing a lookup on words and results in a flat file but the 
key word data could change daily (hourly) and would need to be able to 
be hand entered (or automated) as people sign up (re-index is not really 
an option).  I'm not sure this would fly within the main Nutch segments 
and index, but I could see maybe a separate index or possibly adding a 
flag to the existing data but I've not seen any easy to use tools to 
change/update/insert records into what is already there (yes Luke on the 
index but that does not touch the segment data, right?).  I don't want 
to change existing searched data and I don't see an issue with having 
duplicate results (sponsored up top and existing entry down below 
somewhere) but it would be more elegant to not have that occur.  I also 
see issues in a simple flat file look up as a multiple word search is 
best handled inside Nutch to "score" the results versus having to do 
something similar in the sponsored results.  I can see the need to 
control the summary text displayed and also pass thru any codes in the 
URL which are currently being stripped during the main crawl/index 
cycle.  I also see issues with seriously customizing the internals as 
they would have to be maintained as Nutch itself is updated....

If anyone has looked at this and has at least some ideas on how best to 
do this let me know.  I need to come up with a preliminary estimate 
before I can engage and pay the coders to make this happen so if there 
are any easy or "best practices" ways on doing this any help/pointers 
would be appreciated....


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