I'm getting a similar problem with 0.9, but during the injector:

2007-01-02 21:30:25,797 INFO  crawl.Injector - Injector: Merging injected
urls into crawl db.

2007-01-02 21:30:25,906 WARN  util.NativeCodeLoader - Unable to load
native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where

2007-01-02 21:34:38,078 INFO  crawl.Injector - Injector: done


It doesn't crash, simply doesn't seem to get any injected urls at all.  I'm
using the same filters settings as for 0.8.1

I've set mapred.speculative.execution to false to no avail.


Best regards,



Alan Tanaman

iDNA Solutions


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