Thanks - perhaps I misunderstand the depth and topN commands..

My understanding of the depth command is that Nutch will only go X deep
in the URL's to find websites - if I can that depth later does that mean
it will go deeper at a later point in time?  I thought it would continue
ignoring URL's at that depth once it was told a higher depth?  In other
words, if I run a crawl with a depth of 2 and then a week later run a
depth of 4, and then perhaps a couple of weeks later run a depth of 6
will that work?

Finally, the topN command - does that mean to only select the 1000
"best" URL's this *particular* crawl but in the *next* crawl pick
another 1000 to match?

I guess on both of these commands I was under the impression that large
chunks of websites would never get crawled no matter how many times I
went back to crawl it....?

Thanks very much for the clarification...


-----Original Message-----
From: Susam Pal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: Limiting Crawl Time

Did you try specifying a topN value? -depth 3 -topN 1000 should be
close to what you want.

On 2/6/08, Paul Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks...
> What is the best way to say limit crawling to perhaps 3-4 hours per
> Is there a way to do this?
> Right now, I have a crawl depth of 6 and maximum per site of 100.  I
> thought this would limit things pretty low but during some test
> my last crawl took 2.5 days to complete:
> Statistics for CrawlDb: crawl/crawldb
> TOTAL urls:     1566612
> retry 0:        1549310
> retry 1:        12814
> retry 2:        1601
> retry 3:        2887
> min score:      0.0
> avg score:      0.037
> max score:      429.15
> status 1 (db_unfetched):        1021400
> status 2 (db_fetched):  446907
> status 3 (db_gone):     74420
> status 4 (db_redir_temp):       13861
> status 5 (db_redir_perm):       10024
> CrawlDb statistics: done
> What I would like to do is crawl for 3-4 hours per day at most to
> gradually fill the index.... thoughts?
> Thanks very much,
> Paul
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