MilleBii wrote:

Stuck for 3 days on not able to start any nutch job.

hdfs works fine, ie I can put & look at files.
When i start nutch crawl, I get the following error

Job initialization failed:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Pathname

It is looking for the file at a wrong location ???? Indeed in my case the
correct location is /d:/Bii/nutch/logs/history, so why is *
"history/user/_logs"* added and how can I fix that ?

2009/6/21 MilleBii <>

Looks like I just needed to transfer from the local filesystem to hdfs:
Is it safe to transfer a crawl directory (and subs) from the local file
system to hdfs and start crawling again ?

1. hadoop fs -put crawl crawl
2. nutch generate crawl/crawldb crawl/segments -topN 500 (where now it
should use the hdfs)


2009/6/21 MilleBii <>

 I have newly installed hadoop in a distributed single node configuration.
When I run nutch commands  it is looking for files my user home directory
and not at the nutch directory ?
How can I change this ?

I suspect your hadoop-site.xml uses relative path somewhere, and not an absolute path (with leading slash). Also, /d: looks suspiciously like a Windows pathname, in which case you should either use a full URI (file:///d:/) or just the disk name d:/ without the leading slash. Please also note that if you are running this on Windows under cygwin then in your config files you MUST NOT use the cygwin paths (like /cygdrive/d/...) because Java can't see them.

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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