I'm trying to send my Nutch crawl to SolR. I've "generated, fetched,
updated", several times. I've done an invertlinks.
But when I try to do the solrindex it just sits there for ages and
doesnt seem to stress the solr server at all.

I'm using Nutch 1.0, Sun Java 1.6, Ubuntu Linux 9.04.

/local/apps/software/nutch$ bin/nutch solrindex
http://rio23:8983/solr/ crawl/crawldb crawl/linkdb crawl/segments/*

Is there some kind of "verbose" option so that I can better see what
it is doing? I could maybe insert some extra deugging, or do i need to
run this in Eclipse?

The Java process seems to be using up most of a core's CPU time so it
seems to be doing *something*.

This is my first Solr project so I have proved that it is up and
running, but havent actually added any data to it yet...


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