Andrzej Bialecki wrote:

doesn't work, as reported by me and others last week.

Did you get the message with the subject of "confirm unsubscribe from" and did you respond to it from the same email account that you were subscribed from?

.. I just verified that this process works correctly - I subscribed and unsubscribed successfully. Please make sure that you complete the unsubscription process as listed below:

1. make sure you are sending requests from the same email address that you were subscribed from!
2. send email to .
3. you will get a "confirm unsubscribe" message - make sure your anti-spam filters don't block this message, and make sure you are still using the correct email account when responding.
4. you need to reply to the "confirm unsubscribe" message (duh...)
5. you will get a GOODBYE message.

Now, let me understand this clearly: did you go through all 5 steps listed above, and you are still getting messages from this list?

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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[__ || __|__/|__||\/|  Information Retrieval, Semantic Web
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