Mark Kerzner wrote:

I want to politely crawl a site with 1-2 million pages. With the speed of
about 1-2 seconds per fetch, it will take weeks. Can I run Nutch on Hadoop,
and can I coordinate the crawlers so as not to cause a DOS attack?

Your Hadoop cluster does not increase the scalability of the target server and that's the crux of the matter - whether you use Hadoop or not, multiple threads or a single thread, if you want to be polite you will be able to do just 1 req/sec and that's it.

You can prioritize certain pages for fetching so that you get the most interesting pages first (whatever "interesting" means).

I know that URLs from one domain as assigned to one fetch segment, and
polite crawling is enforced. Should I use lower-level parts of Nutch?

The built-in limits are there to avoid causing pain for inexperienced search engine operators (and webmasters who are their victims). The source code is there, if you choose you can modify it to bypass these restrictions, just be aware of the consequences (and don't use "Nutch" as your user agent ;) ).

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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[__ || __|__/|__||\/|  Information Retrieval, Semantic Web
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